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Binding Regulations and Information
At this website, only English versions of “Binding Regulations and Information” are stated.
The full list is available at the Czech version of the website.


Date News
​03/02/2025 New ​​version Service price list 2025 added to this page (valid from 01/03/2025).
​05/12/2024 ​New version of the Directives 416 "​Basic requirements for the implementation of the locking and labelling system - LOTO" added to this page.
​08/11/2024 New ​​version Service price list 2025 added to this page (valid from 01/01/2025).
​New version of the ​IMPORTANT GUIDELINES - GENERAL RISKS - resulting from the nature and character of hazardous chemical substances, mechanical, thermal and other effects of the Company's production and individual production sections added to this page.
​17/10/2024 ​New Directive 419 "Use of Electronic Devices in Explosion Hazard Areas" added to this page.
​22/08/2024 ​New version of the Directives 420 "​Work at heights" and 425 "​Use of temporary building structures (scaffolding)" added to this page.
​15/08/2024 ​​​​​New version of the Directive 372 "Excavation and field works, terrain modifications". Form 1 remains unchanged.
​14/08/2024 ​New version of the Integrated Management System Policy added to this page.
​18/07/2024 ​​New ​​version Service price list 2024 added to this page (valid from 01/08/2024).
​06/06/2024 ​​​New version of the Directive 372 "Excavation and field works, terrain modifications" including the form 1 "Notification of digwork" added to this page.
​31/05/2024 Amendment of Directive 435 "Permit to Work" and ​Directive 465 "Permit to Work" added to this page.​​


BENZINA, odštěpný závod

Identification Title
Valid from
Valid in BENZINA, odštěpný závod
Directive 402/2 Safety Rules for Other Organisations’ Employees (BENZINA, o.z. + Orlen Unipetrol Slovakia) 15.2.2023


ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o.

Identification Title
Valid from
Valid in
ORLEN Unipetrol RPA​
Valid in
​​Service price list ​​​​​​​Service pri​ce list 2025​​​ - valid from March 1st 2025 (NEW)
​Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !​
​​Service price list ​​​​​​Service pri​ce list 2025​​ - Valid from January 1st to February 28th, 2025 ​01/01/2025
​Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !​
​Company information ​IMPORTANT GUIDELINES - GENERAL RISKS​ - resulting from the nature and character of hazardous chemical substances, mechanical, thermal and other effects of the Company's production and individual production sections 07/11/2024​
Company information BINDING GUIDELINES - the risks arising from work activities​ and the measures taken to minimise or eliminate them 01/06/2021
​Safety Report Safety report of ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. 01/12/2022​​
​Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !​
​Safety Report Safety Report of ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. - Refinery Unit in Kralupy 15/03/2021​
​Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Litvínov !
​IRZ Table ​Waste Report to IRZ from contractors 0​1/01/2018
​Instuctions in writing - ADR ​Instruction in writing according to ADR  0​1/01/2023
​Instuctions in writing - RID ​Instruction in writing according to RID​ 0​1/01/2023
​Order 2023/1 ​Order of the Director of the Safety Department
The use of plastic boundary chains and the prohibition of the use of warning tape for workplace boundaries and demarcation of areas on the premises of ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o.
IMS Policy Integrated Management System Policy​ (NEW)
​Directive 135 ​Entering and Driving in the Premises of ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o., Kralupy Refinery Unit​ ​01/02/2022
​Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Litvínov !
​Directive 350 ​Technical documentation 01/04/2023​
​Directive 372 ​Excavation and field works, terrain modifications​ (NEW)
Form 1 "Notification of digwork"​
​Directive 402 Safety rules for employees of extrernal organizations 18/11/2022​
​Directive 405 Basic regulation for employees in the field of emergency and crisis preparedness, Chempark Záluží premises ​04/09/2023
​Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !​
​​Directive 405/1 Basic regulation for employees in the field of emergency and crisis preparedness, Chemical production premises in Kralupy nad Vltavou
​Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Litvínov !
​Directive 406 ​Electric Isolation Procedure for Rotating Equipment Repairs 21/10/2020​
Directive 407 Mechanical Securing of Equipment​ 25/05/2021​
​Directive 411 Basic requirements for processing of HAZOP study
Files included in Annex C​
​Directive 416 Basic requirements for the implementation of the locking and labelling system - LOTO (NEW) ​14/06/2024
​Directive 419 ​Use of Electronic Devices in Explosion Hazard Areas​ (NEW) ​01/01/2025
Directive 420 ​​Work at heights (NEW)
​​Directive 422 Service and use of breathing apparatuses 15/02/2024​
​Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !
​Directive 425 ​​Use of temporary building structures (scaffolding)​ (NEW)
​Directive 427 ​Portable ladders ​01/01/2018
​​Directive 433/3 ​​Extraction of Apparatus Fillings Using Vacuum Devices​​ 28/03/2024​ ​​
​Directive 433/4 Safe operation of sludge tanks when pumping out hydrocarbon sludge 11/07/2022​
​Directive 433/7 Equipment of Transport Units Providing Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road​ 09/05/2023​
Directive 435 ​Permit to work (NEW) 01/06/2024
​Directive 444/2 ​Designing, implementation and repairs of outside water and sewer lines ​16/07/2019
​Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !
​Directive 465 ​Permit to Work 01/06/2024
​Directive 477 ​Entry and drive into the Chempark Záluží Premises​ 13/10/2022​
​Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !
​Directive 704 Use of the company area 03/01/2019​
​Directive 797 ​​ORLEN UNIPETROL STANDARD – transport means and units transporting plastic pellets​​​
​Directive 842 Operating Rules, Operator Manuals and Technology Cards / Reglements​ 23/05/2022
​Workin​g procedure PRP 5 MSA AUER M1 breathing apparatus
Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !
Working procedure PRP 14 ​MSA AUER AirGo breathing apparatus ​01/05/2022
Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !
​Working procedure PRP 16 Alarm warning MSA AUER MOTION SCOUT ​​01/05/2022
Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !
Working procedure PRP 20 ​Air line breathing apparatus MSA DSL-P ​​01/05/2022
Does not apply for Refinery Unit
in Kralupy !
​N norm - external Companies ​Providing of technical standards to external Companies ​---​

Značky Skupiny UNIPETROL