Transport Information and Emergency Response System (TRINS) provides via its centres a continuous help in case of emergency (undesirable extraordinary events) connected with transportation or storage of dangerous substances in the Czech Republic.TRINS constituent companies:
- ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. Litvínov - Republic National Center & Regional Center no.1
- SYNTHOS Kralupy, a.s. Kralupy nad Vltavou - Regional Center no.2
- SPOLANA, a.s. Neratovice - Regional Center no.4
- Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s. Ústí n. L. - Regional Center no.5
- SYNTHESIA, a.s. Pardubice - Semtín - Regional Center no.6
- DEZA, a.s. Valašské Meziříčí - Regional Center no.7
- SILON, s.r.o. Planá nad Lužnicí - Regional Center no.8
- SYNTHOMER, a.s. Sokolov - Regional Center no.9
TRINS is an open and further developing help system incorporated into Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic - SCHP - member companies. It is possible to move into this organisation and participate in its activities at any time.
- BorsodChem-MCHZ, a.s. Ostrava - Regional Center no.10
- COLORLAK, a.s. Staré město - Regional Center no.11
- LOVOCHEMIE, a. s. Lovosice - Regional Center no.12
- FARMAK, a.s. Olomouc - Regional Center no.13
- CS CABOT, s.r.o. Valašské Meziříčí - Regional Center no.19
- LINDE GAS, a.s. Praha - Regional Center no.20
- Euro Support Manufacturing Czechia, s.r.o. Litvínov - Regional Center no.21
- BOCHEMIE, a.s. Bohumín - Regional Center no.22
- ČEPRO, a.s. Praha - Regional Center no.23
- DEKONTA, a.s. Ústí nad Labem - Regional Center no.27
- Lučební závody Draslovka, a.s. Kolín - Regional Center no. 28
- MESSER TECHNOGAS, s.r.o. Praha - Regional Center no. 14
Since 1 July 1996 it is possible to ask TRINS for help through Operational Centers of Czech Republic Fire Rescue Brigades (or through Integrated Rescue System of the Czech Republic, furthermore "IZS") in the following items:
- information on products, substances and their smooth transport and storage
- experiences from handling of dangerous substances or from solving undesirable extraordinary events connected with dangerous substances
- practical help in removing damages and solving undesirable extraordinary events connected with dangerous substances.
Fire Rescue Brigades (or IZS) Operational Centers can employ skilled advice or other practical help whenever there is an accident in the Czech Republic during transportation or handling of dangerous substances within the aim to minimise its consequences as far as possible.
TRINS assistance can be required by means of Fire Rescue Brigades (or IZS) Operational Centers only. Help is provided on the basis of contract between Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic (SCHP) and Home Office of the Czech Republic - Czech Republic Fire Rescue Brigade Headquarters. Preservation of competence and responsibility during undesirable extraordinary event solution and liquidation is maintained by this contract in full range.