The Association of Chemical Industry, precisely member companies, are voluntarily prepared, in accordance with the objectives of Responsible Care program and within their limits to provide help during undesirable extraordinary events connected with transportation or other handling of dangerous substances in the Czech Republic territory.The system is based on a network of Regional Centers and one Republic Center, which are equipped adequately to provide sufficient assistance within TRINS.
Help is provided exclusively on request of Fire Rescue Brigades (or IZS) Operational Centers.
Persons responsible for transportation of dangerous substances and loads are obliged to designate respective means of transport, tanks or other packages according to the legal provisions valid in the Czech Republic. These dangerous loads must be next to usual documentation accompanied by Emergency Instructions. These instructions must include information about possible hazards and first precautions necessary for reduction of exposure to danger in case of an accident. First request for help in case of an accident is usually addressed to the manufacturer, purchaser or consignee of transported/handled goods.
Besides these standard information and procedures companies within TRINS offer also skilled advice, recommendations at the place of an accident, or provide direct help based on means available in the place of accident, especially for the following cases:
- the manufacturer or the purchaser cannot be contacted quickly
- the manufacturer is one of the TRINS member companies and due to the distance or other risk of delay this solution is more suitable
- the dangerous load is imported or transited only, contact with abroad is difficult or there is another risk of delay
- documentation, designation or other information is not accessible in the place of accident, or these are damaged or illegible.
Help will be provided by TRINS companies according to its urgency, accident type and hazards from the place of accident in the following stages:
1. Stage
Phone Assistance
providing information or consultation with an expert-specialist by phone
This concerns providing specific information (especially in such cases, when the manufacturer, purchaser or consignee of the dangerous substance is not accessible) from TRINS company, which possesses necessary knowledge about the dangerous substance. Such information will be handed over to the chief of emergency service staff in the place of intervention according to the described situation and to the best knowledge. Advice and recommendations will be provided continuously untill the relative manufacturer, purchaser or consignee will be reached to take over consultations himself.
2. Stage
Consultation in Place of Intervention (Accident)
- sending out an expert-specialist to the place of intervention (accident) upon request
The way of transport to the place of intervention will be due to the potential risk of delay always agreed according to the individual situation and shall be implemented either by means of Fire Rescue Brigade (or IZS) or by means of contacted TRINS company.
In case of large distance from the place of accident or when the manufacturer, purchaser or consignee of the dangerous substance is not accessible, the nearby situated TRINS center (company) will provide help in constancy via its own experts, based on its own knowledge.
3. Stage
Practical Help in Place of Intervention (Accident)
- sending out staff and means to the place of intervention as soon as possible upon request for practical help in case of emergency.
Practical help by means of TRINS companies is provided via Fire Rescue Brigades (IZS) Operational Centers. Such help is provided by individual TRINS centers for a limited number of dangerous substances.
TRINS centers are entitled to refuse administration of practical help, when an undesirable extraordinary event solution is already proceeding in its own company area or when staff and means has been sent outside requested company or when safety of companies own units would be seriously endangered by providing its own staff and means. Observing these conditions the chief of ordered TRINS staff informs the chief of intervention in the place of emergency according to his knowledge and supports him by staff and means provided by TRINS.
Preventive measures
Operation of TRINS system does not include solving crash situations, arising from transportation of dangerous substances only. There are also proposals for important preventive measures, discussed among the member companies. These shall prevent the crash situations or at least eliminate the possible consequences arising from the crash.
Emergency use of phenothiazine during transportation of acrylic acid
SYNTHOMER, a.s. Sokolov (Regional Centre No. 9) established, according to an agreement with the Czech HZS headquarters, a so-called "phenothiazone network", which serves in the Czech Republic, as well as abroad, for other European acrylate chemistry producers. The network includes supporting HZS units, which are established to liquidate the chemical crash. During July 1998, SYNTHOMER, a.s. Sokolv supplied these units with necessary amount of phenothiazone, together with relevant handling instructions.
During acrylic acid transportation there is a danger of crash of the transportation means, etc., resulting in subsequent drops in temperature, which can fall bellow the acrylic acid solidification point (+12,6 °C). This may cause a "fall-out" of the polymerization inhibitor, used during production. The acrylic acid thus remains practically uninhibited and inclines to an uncontrolled exothermic reaction, which may cause inflammation, or eventually an explosion with destructive effects. In similar cases, an additional stabilization of acrylic acid with highly effective polymerization inhibitor is necessary, e.g. phenothiazone. Success of this intervention depends especially on how quickly and timely this is performed. The HZS support units are capable to act very quickly due to their location and equipment. After expiration of storage life of the inhibitor (2 years), the units carry out replacement of the inhibitor for a fresh one, as well as they updates relevant experience knowledge in this area.
Liability and Responsibility
TRINS member companies provide help within above mentioned stages according to their best knowledge always as supporting help for state established organizations (Fire Rescue Brigades, IZS), which are responsible for the intervention and liquidation of an undesirable extraordinary event (accident). TRINS company participation on the intervention and liquidation means no modification of the state organization (Fire Rescue Brigade, IZS) responsibility. This sole responsibility concerns also potential damage incurred to a third party.
TRINS center does not have any responsibility for potential damage, which was incurred during the intervention or liquidation of an undesirable event. All the claims from a third party are handled by state institutions (Fire Rescue Brigades, IZS) which are responsible by law.
Compensation of Costs and/or Damages Incurred to TRINS Company
1. stage help, e.g. a distant consultation via phone is provided by TRINS center free of charge. Expenses, damages or injuries incurred by providing 3. stage help (eventually 2. stage help) by requested TRINS company will be compensated in accordance with Fire Protection Act or according to provision of the § 29, 30 and 31 of the Law No. 239/2000 of the Digest On IZS. The activity of a TRINS member company within requested help, will be considered as providing personal and material help according to § 19 and 20 of the Law No. 133/1985 of the Digest On Fire Protection, in its latest version, or as providing planned help on request according to § 21 of the Law No. 239/2000 of the Digest On IZS.