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Neralit 601

NERALIT® typ 601
Suspensive polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Pursuant to ČSN EN ISO 1060-1, NERALIT® type 601 is classified as: PVC-S, G 090 60 98 15. The suspensive NERALIT® type 601 polyvinyl chloride is designated for products made of hard (unsoftened) PVC. Injection, blowing, rolling (calendering) and extrusion technologies are suitable for processing the product.It allows for making transparent products.
Inspection characteristic Unit Value Test Method
K-value - 59- 61 SOP-A-358
Bulk density g/ml 0,56 - 0,62 SOP-A-354
Sieve analysis - residue on the sieve:
0,063 mm, min.
0,250 mm, max.
0,500 mm, max.
% of the weight
% of the weight
% of the weight
Volatile substances, max. % hm. 0,3 SOP-A-352
Impurities, max. pcs/15 g 3 SOP-A-351
Impurities, size over 0.250 mm, max. pcs/50 g 3 SOP-A-351
Vinylchloride residue, max. mg/kg 1,0 SOP-A-322
Processability ​- 1 - 3​ SOP-A-363

Business Contacts

Konrad Raszewski
PVC sales director
+48 695 02 358


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