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Power Engineering Products
Inactive fly ash

The inactive fly ash produced by the heating plant T700 represents a fine fraction of inactive fly ashes captured from brown-coal flue gases in the electric separators of the heating plant’s boilers. It is used as an additive to concrete, for instance.

General characteristics
Inactive fly ash produced by the heating plant T700. This is a fine fraction of inactive fly ashes captured from brown-coal flue gases in the electric separators of the heating plant’s boilers. 

The ash used as a concrete additive is – pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 (1) (a) of Act No. 22/1997 Coll., on the technical requirements for products and to alter and amend related legislation, as amended – a stipulated product, specified in Government Decree No. 190/2002 Coll., which stipulates the technical requirements for the construction products labelled “CE”, and in the harmonized Czech technical standards ČSN EN 450-1 and ČSN EN 450-2.

The ash is of standard quality, having no hazardous properties pursuant to Act No. 185/2001 Coll., on wastes and to alter related legislation, as amended (with the exclusion of the H4 and H5 properties), and pursuant to. Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP).

The ash can be used as an additive to concrete.

Parameter Test Method unit values
Loss due to annealing (Category A) ČSN EN 196-2 (1 h) % hm. max. 5,0
Fineness (Category N) ČSN EN 451-2    
- limit value​   % hm. max. 40
Free calcium oxide ČSN EN 451-1 % hm. max. 2,5
Active calcium oxide ČSN EN 196-2 % hm. max. 10,0
Chlorides ČSN EN 196-2 % hm. max. 0,10
Sulphur trioxide ČSN EN 196-2 % hm. max. 3,0
Specific weight​ ČSN EN 196-6    
- declared value   kg/m3 2100
Efficiency index ČSN EN 196-1    
- after 28 days   % min. 75
- after 90 days   % min. 85
Volume stability ČSN EN 196-3 mm max. 10

Packaging, storage, transportation
The sale of the ash is ensured by Závod Energetika (power-engineering plant). The ash is delivered by tank trucks.


Announcement according to REACH:

Business Contacts

RNDr. Ivan Rychtr
+420 476 163 020
+420 736 506 126​


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