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In business transactions between ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. and another contracting party, the abovementioned prices of selected UIC-marked refinery products are applicable solely and exclusively to determine the contractual price of the listed refinery products in accordance with valid written contracts in which the pricing method is expressly agreed based on Unipetrol Index Czech.
ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. hereby expressly cautions that the prices of selected refinery products mentioned above under the designation UIC are neither an offer (draft) of a contract, nor acceptance of a contract offer (draft), nor a public promise. Any refinery product purchase contract concluded by ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. requires a written form and a literal, unreserved and unconditional consent of ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. regarding its full content, including signatures of the persons authorized to act in the name of ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. Publishing the price of the abovementioned refinery products under the designation UIC cannot be associated with any expectation of any concrete result, especially with conclusion of a contract with ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o on purchasing refinery products.
The UIC reflects macroeconomic conditions such as legislative obligations, competitive influences, price developments on European markets, exchange rate developments, production levels of surrounding refineries.
UIC is updated daily to ensure an objective corresponding price level on the Czech fuel market.
UIC is a publicly available price index which takes into account objective, relevant and current price levels.
UIC has been used since the end of 2016 and has been a contract-based pricing tool since 2018.
UIC is published publicly, all price changes are available in the archive from the beginning of their publication.
UIC mainly reflects:
UIC is listed: